Terp Tailgate
My visit back to the University of Maryland to tailgate and watch the football game
11/10/20232 min read

Here's me with a few of my Baltimore Hall (B-Hall) bros and a few of their chiquitas at Señor Jerry's tailgate. We hung out at Jerry's tailgate where his son, a PSU alum, was hosting a bunch of his friends. The picture also includes Jerry, T.A. & Jen, Rob & Tonya, and Dave & Meg. We had a blast catching up and reminiscing -- we had the greatest dorm ever and these are still my very best friends to this day.

I traveled back to the DC area for a long weekend visit and one of the highlights was getting back for a Terp football game and tailgate party (but let's not talk about the score).
We also went out and met up with Bro for a bit ... and photo-bombed Anita and the girls ... it was T.A.'s idea, I swear.

Jerry hooked me up with a pass to get down on the field before the game and down there we saw a bunch of the football team from 1983 and the head coach of that team, the great Bobby Ross. Afterwards, Jerry & I went to the President's Suite for a bit where we saw Tom McMillen. We watched the game from Jerry's suite before heading back to tailgate with Scott, Stuart, Ethan & friends. We hung out for a while before heading home, but not before I had time to lose my wallet -- some things never change.